UAE Amends Label Requirements
UAE Amends Label Requirements

UAE Amends Label Requirements

TDRA of the UAE issued a new format of conformity mark that is applicable to certified products from January 1, 2023. It reminds that the Registered Manufacturer or Importer of Telecommunications Equipment shall provide TAR Conformity label on the Equipment box in a clear, readable and non-removable format before offering, selling or making the Equipment available in the UAE market as well as on display platforms in retail stores and websites. However, it is still possible to use the old version of this label too. 

The new format of the TAR label can be used in color or black & white. Please, pay attention to the location of the QR code, as below:

The QR code includes a URL of the approved Equipment in TDRA.

这些信息是由 GMA咨询集团团队。

GMA咨询集团 全世界所有国家的 IT、电信 和工业电气产品 提供全周期的国际型号认证和全球市场准入服务 。凭借在全球法规、合规性、认证和符合性评估方面的专业知识,GMA咨询集团可以帮助您的公司加速进入任何市场,而您方面几乎没有任何努力。

Need your own guide to the world of certification and approvals? Don't hesitate to contact us via info@gma.trade.

January 31, 2023


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