Australia Launches New GEMS for Incandescent Lamps
Australia Launches New GEMS for Incandescent Lamps

Australia Launches New GEMS for Incandescent Lamps

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) of Australia registered the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) (Incandescent Lamps for General Lighting Services) Determination 2024 on October 4, 2024. The new GEMS Determination revokes and replaces the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Incandescent Lamps for General Lighting Services) Determination 2016 and will become effective from October 5, 2025. 

The GEMS applies to incandescent lamps that are:

  • designed to produce a visible, optical radiation used in general lighting services and
  • supplied or used as individual lamps or as part of a luminaire and
  • listed in the table below

The GEMS does not cover:

  •  aeronautical incandescent lamps
  •  high temperature lamps
  •  infrared heat lamps
  •  low power decorative lamps

The GEMS specifies:

  • level and testing requirements with regards to such product performance as energy use and greenhouse gas production
  • labelling requirements
  • specific requirements with regards to lumen maintenance factor and minimum median lamp life as well as satisfy maximum wattage requirements for lamps class 2
  • testing requirements for above mentioned performances

It is noted that a single test report may be used for a family registration. Models can form a family if they share:

  • the same product class and
  • a single brand and
  • overall size and
  • geometric form factor and
  • other dimensions, components, or component arrangements that may affect performance and wattage and
  • median lamp life and
  • lumen maintenance factor

However, the family must not contain more than 8 models.

The link to the full text of GEMS you can here.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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December 24, 2024


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Australia Launches New GEMS for Incandescent Lamps
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